We are hiring new doctoral researchers, student research assistants, and tutors. Apply now!
Distinguished Paper Award and Best Artifact Award at FSE 2024!

Prof. Dr. Marie-Christine Jakobs

Professor, Reliable Software

Picture of Prof. Dr. Marie-Christine Jakobs

Software and Computational Systems Lab
Department of Computer Science
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU Munich)
Oettingenstraße 67
80538 Munich (Germany)

lastname@sosy.ifi.lmu.de (You need to replace lastname.)


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Short Biography

In 2012, Marie-Christine Jakobs finished her studies in computer science at Paderborn University. She received her doctor's degree in 2017 from Paderborn University. From 2017 to 2019 she worked as postdoctoral researcher at LMU Munich. From 2019-2023 Marie-Christine Jakobs was an assistant professor at TU Darmstadt. Since 2023 she has been a professor for at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.

Open Positions

We are currently hiring a research assistant, either on the level of a PhD student or a postdoctoral researcher for our DFG project ReVeriX. As a researcher in this project, you will work on innovative research questions with respect to efficient and flexible reverification of modified programs to safeguard modifed programs against property violations.
For further details consider the job posting below.


Marie-Christine Jakobs main research is in the area of formal methods for verification of software. She is particularly interested in automatic software verification with a focus on static analysis, model checking, and testing. She is interested in theoretical foundations as well as tool development. Since 2012 she has been contributing to the software analysis tool CPAchecker. Her current research interests include incremental verification, verifier combinations, test-case generation, functional equivalence checking, and the validation of verification results.

Current Research Interests


All my publications are available at DBLP and Google Scholar.

Funded Projects (Current and Past)

Currently supervised PhD students

Software Projects


Thesis Topics and Projects

Typically, we offer thesis topics in the area of our current research. Below we list currently available topics. Further topics can be discussed on request. All topics offered by our chair are available on our teaching page.

Regular and Current Courses Please look up the courses offered in the current term on our teaching page.

Regular Courses Taught in the Past